Downtown San Francisco

As a brand new district bearing the brunt of the media’s “Doom Loop” narratives, Downtown San Francisco needed to come out of the gate swinging.

$2.1M in economic impact in its first year!

A multipronged, multichannel approach was proposed utilizing all forms of media available, including Earned, Owned & Paid media, with a mix of digital and OOH (Out of Home). Utilizing Bright Brothers’ vetted POSTR process, plus the district’s custom-built Personas — we planned the integrated campaign that the client executed.


Emphasis and priority were given to trackable media and buys where ROI could be calculated. Non-trackable media was considered with much less priority, although it was a crucial component of public marketing. We hosted an incentivized consumer intercept survey to gauge community sentiment, perceptions of the district, as well as financial impact on district stakeholders.


Let’s Glow SF put the new district on the map! The event was a smashing success!

  • Created $2.1M in economic impact in its first year!
  • A 200% increase in footfall traffic during the ten-day run.
  • Folks who came to the district spent on average $50 – $100 per respondent/party

A consumer Intercept Survey indicated that the event was resoundingly enjoyed, and in particular, there was overwhelmingly positive feedback about clean and safe programs… in Downtown San Francisco!


  • Online engagement, social followings, and newsletter subscriptions grew faster than ever!
    • Website traffic increased by 3,986% The Let’s Glow SF page alone received nearly 40,000 visits.
    • Facebook grew by 111%
    • Instagram grew by 122% and Post Engagements grew by 1,246%
    • LinkedIn grew by 42%
    • Newsletter subscribers grew by 481%

Mayor London Breed was so impressed that she bestowed a Certificate of Honor on the district for its efforts.