Contrary to popular belief, Facebook is an advertising platform, not simply a free place for you to see pix and videos of your friends’ kids and nasty political ramblings. Based on your self-offered interests, likes, reactions and more, Facebook knows what you’re into and where you spend your time. Using your phone’s location data, Facebook also knows where you are at any given time of day, as well as what you’re most likely doing.  Sound scary?  It doesn’t have to be. The data you’re sharing with Facebook actually makes your social experience more relevant. And here’s how we put that to good use.

high street bright brothers phoenix

For one of clients, we ran a campaign that used flighted ads (based on time of day), relevance to activities (based on your needs and wants — lunch, shopping, happy hours, dinner options…etc.) and geophysical proximity to the client’s district. We used imagery that would appeal to specific target audiences and demographics (Millennials & Boomers, per se), and used messaging and copy that speaks directly to the needs and wants of the people we want as guests of the district. The call to action of the ads was to “Request Directions”, which shows intent to visit the district, and pretty easy to do with any smartphone.

It’s complex work setting all this up! We created 297 ads and then began testing them (A/B, multivariate testing) with constant tweaking and refining as we went. Digital is heavy work, but it pays off so well in the end, because we can precisely pinpoint who we want to speak with, address their needs and wants, and solve their problems for them.

At the close of the initial campaign, we tallied up some killer results. We reached 50,000 people for less than a penny each on their phones as they came near the district or our competitors. Our average CPC was just $0.58 per click for directions, with 1,900 people asking for directions. This is smart advertising and extremely precise.

How are you allocating your ad dollars and what is it getting for you? Need help driving customers to your business? Give us a shout.